The area you'll be OSRS Gold is most likely to be 'Price Drops' for it is the place where you can discover the top items for a sell to. It is the most reliable and basic way to earn money. The players know this, and the more you buy, the higher the prise rises.
Here are some suggestions for using the 100 most popular item drops. Watch out for 'air runses', which could be risky as there are so many on the marketplace. Save your money for items like armor, ores or raw fish, along with other basic material.
You should make sure that the product you are searching for has diminished in price only daily and monthly. Ignore any item that has been reduced in price for more than 180 days prior. As I have suffered a significant loss on items that have fallen by more than 4% in the last seven days, I will never buy these items again.
Special Items (Generally not on the list of top 100) Certain items such as fish or ores are scarce and won't be on the list. This is due to the fact that they decrease rapidly and are not sufficient to warrant inclusion. Merchant clans are the way that merchants make their money. It takes about an hour to research prices for products that were thought in the past to have gone from rock bottom or sky high in three days.
Two options are available: either search the web for these items (I'll personally provide an example) or you can use a program to locate the most popular merchandise for the week. (I have seen one. It's on my laptop, as it is homemade lol). These products can be very hard to locate even though the majority of them are essentials such as food items as well as "skilling". Here's a list I believe to be the most effective merchandise to market in small periods of time. You can also get your friends on board so they can help increase the price by RS Gold 2007 more of the same type of product.